Tuesday, June 17, 2008

2nd day.... june 17, 2008

This is the 2nd day of school as a 2nd year student... to tell you honestly im still not yet ready to be in school... i still wanna rest... hahaha... very lazy is'nt it...? but you know i cant say to studies coz my mom will gonna kill me.... hahaha.... but seriously im still really tired but im very excited too, cause im gonna face computer again.... mind you internet connected computer thats why im so excited... hehehe.. but anyway highway... hahaha.... we just tackled about the uses of corel draw... honestly i was so amazed of how corel works especially when our instructor show us a video on how this software works.... its a bit difficult but im willing to learn about it, cause its really interesting... i got more interested about this when Mr. Dosejo, our instructor, let us use and try the said application... its really amazing... maybe i will sound so ignorant after saying all of these, that im amazed with this corel draw... but im really amazed on how does it add effects on images... the application is truly amazing.... thats all i can say... (so far.. hahaha)

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