Sunday, June 15, 2008

1st day june 16, 2008

June16,2008 this is the day when we started our first class. It was raining on that morning and it come out in the news that there will be no classes in our city. That is why I made a call to the school registrar to confirm if the news that i heard was true. Sadly, it's not, cause the school registrar told me that there will be a class. Actually, I felt a mixed a emotions, i'm happy because im gonna meet my classmates last semester again, but somehow i felt sad cause the day is very gloomy and my still want to rest. Iwas on the way to our school around 12:30 in the afternoon. I actually dont know why i got nervous well infact i never felt it when i was in the first year, maybe because I know at that time that I will be late, that's why i keep on texting my classmates if they already starting our class. But sad to say I did'nt get any reply from them. when I arrived in the school it was pass 1pm, then i went to the 2nd floor on the school building cause i know that our room will be there. I was so surprised when I saw sir Dosejo and my classmates in our room. I really thought I was late but I was'nt. Thank's GOD...! then we started our class. First, we introduced ourselves to each other. Then a little bit introduction of the subject, its requirements and also about the grading system. It made me so happy when i heard from our instructor that the computers that we are going to use are internet connected. This day join a group at yahoo and made our blogs.

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