Friday, June 27, 2008

10th day.... June 27, 2008

this is the last day of our subject and i erally need to finish all of my requirements... i need to finish 2more exercises it is the freestyle and face editing.... we arrive here in the room we find out that there is no internet connection thats why i got sad coz i really need to browse pics on the internet to finish my unfinish works.... then after 2hrs we got connection again... thats why i started doing my exercises... luckily i really done with it.... thanks god..! these are the picz thats i made lately...!

9th day.. june 26, 2008

i just made one exercise this session... coz the internet was gone and i really need to to be connected on the net coz im just browsing some pics to be edited... actually i can edit pics eevn without internet connection but sad to say i dont have pics to be edited on my computer thats why i stop editing pics.... so im just going to continue my exercises tomorrow... see yah..!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

8th day... june 25, 2008

This day... Our instructor gave us an exercise about the Adobe Photoshop... these includes 2face editing, environment editing and also 2 freestyle, just like what we've done on corel draw..... im actually done with 2 exercises... on environment editing and 1 face editing... 3 more exercises to go... hope that i can make... wish me lUck..!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

7th day.. june 24, 2008

Our instructor discussed about Adobe Photoshop, about its toolbox and its uses.... we even try to used it.... it really great... it is more complicated than corel draw... we also watched a video clip of adobe photoshop courtesy of MSN from there we have seen a picture of a woman thas was edited by the said application... and we have seen that there is a lot of changes on the woman when the effects of photoshop was applied on the picture... so this software is realy great...!

Monday, June 23, 2008

6th day... june 23, 2008

This is the most boring day ever.... coz we just sit in front of computer without any exercises from our instructor... but however i grab this oppurtunityalso to upload my pictures in my friendster account... thanks sir..! haha...!

Friday, June 20, 2008

5th Day.... June 20, 2008

This is th ened of the of the week which means the end of the lesson about Corel Draw... thats why i made a lot of effort to finish my exercises... lucky for me coz im done actually done with all of my exercises.... this day i made 2 freestyles on the application Corel Draw..... thanks God im really with it.... and thanks God... Its friday... yipee...!!! now we are done with corel... and next week we are going to discuss about photoshop.... ang im looking forward to it.... 'till next time...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

4th day... June 20, 2008

This is the wherein we've done our exercise about Corel Draw... this day Im already done with the 2 business card and 2 newsletter... so all in all.... 2 more exercises and im really done with corel... all i need to finish is 2 freestyles... hope that i can really finish it tomorrow... my hands are too tired.... so i think... that's all...